Mumbai, Jan 14 || One of the most sought-after Bollywood actresses at the moment, Kriti Sanon recently celebrated Lohri with her family. The 'Luka Chuppi' actress also took to the stories section of her IG handle and dropped a wholesome family moment.
Kriti Sanon posted a video where we can see her father Rahul Sanon lovingly feeding his better half Geeta Sanon. Later on, he also fed both his girls, Kriti and Nupur Sanon.
Meanwhile, a couple of days back, the diva posted a string of throwback pictures from 2024. Her Insta post included the caption, “Still lingering somewhere in December 2024”.
Aside from her cinematic projects, Kriti Sanon has also been making headlines for her alleged relationship with businessman Kabir Bahia. The rumored couple have been seen spending time with each other on several occasions. However, these two are yet to make their relationship official.
Recently, some unseen pictures of Kriti Sanon and Kabir Bahia's romantic New Year getaway took social media by storm. In one of the stills, the 'Mimi' actress can be seen standing close to her rumored beau as she rests her head on his shoulder. In another photo, Kriti Sanon and Kabir Bahl are sitting close, along with actor Varun Sharma, as they enjoyed Ustad Rahat Fateh Ali Khan and Mehwish Hayat’s concert.